Lord of the Rings Poster Design

Creating this project was a very special moment for me as a designer. Lord of the Rings has been something I have cared for deeply for over 20 years. Out of all the captivating imagery based on J.R.R. Tolkien's drawings, I chose to do a poster rendition of the Mines of Moria from the first film, The Fellowship of the Ring. 

LOTR Grid Format

There are many intricacies in the design here, but the main focus is on the glowing door. Tolkien was a genius and a linguist of his time creating many of his own dialects for his novels he wrote which has one of them in the design of these markings. Being able to bring a piece to life like this was a great experience and a privilige to make in honor of these stories that are so pivotal in the influence of my interests in fantasy design.

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Left Side

After completing this poster, I had decided to submit it to UMD's Annual Student Exhibition. Having this shown in a public art show was something I never really pictured but was an accomplishment that made me realize the fact that I knew this is what I am meant to do. Digital Illustration has been a great medium that opened up new opportunities, skills, and ideation that I combined with the things I am passionate about, especially Lord of the Rings.

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Copyright 2024 Tristan Biedinger